

Endocrine Nurse Practitioner located in Scottsdale, AZ

Telehealth services offered in Scottsdale, AZ

Telehealth makes medical care more accessible than ever before. Dedicated nurse practitioner Melissa Prince, C-ANP, MSN, provides comprehensive medical care, from weight loss consultations to chronic care management for thyroid disorders, through telehealth. Call the office of Melissa Prince CANP, Endocrinology, or book a telehealth visit online today.

Telehealth Q&A

What is telehealth?

Telehealth is medical care from a distance. It gives you access to medical care from home or work, or while traveling anywhere in the world. In telehealth appointments, you communicate with experienced nurse practitioner Melissa through your phone or another electronic device. 

You’ll connect to Melissa at a specific time, just like you arrive for appointments in the office. You’ll see each other in real time through your phone, tablet, or computer camera, so it’s very much like an in-person appointment. 

What are the benefits of telehealth?

Telehealth appointments offer a variety of benefits compared to in-office appointments. For one, it’s the most convenient way to receive health care without leaving home. If you have to travel quite far to the office, telehealth can also save you time and energy. 

Through telehealth appointments, you can exchange medical information quickly with Melissa. You can also fit the appointment around your schedule for the day as it doesn’t require you to plan time for sitting in waiting rooms or traveling to the office, making it more convenient for you to continue with other daily activities. 


While you’re sick or immunocompromised, you may also find telehealth a more comfortable experience. The last thing you feel like doing when you’re ill or while you have a compromised immune system is going out to meet other people. Telehealth helps you stay comfortably inside and prevents you from being exposed to other potential viruses, while you take care of your health.   

What happens during a telehealth appointment?

At the office of Melissa Prince CANP, Endocrinology, telehealth appointments are tailored to each patient’s health needs. 

First, Melissa asks you about your current symptoms in detail and how you’ve been taking care of them at home to make sure she gets all the necessary information to develop a personalized treatment plan for you. Next, she may conduct a virtual physical exam and ask you to point your web camera at the area she’ll be examining. 


Most telehealth appointments take an hour or less. If you need to update your medication, Melissa can send a digital prescription to your pharmacy of choice. 


It may be most beneficial if you prepare for your telehealth visit with Melissa by meeting her in a quiet place with good internet connection and lighting. 

What should I bring to a telehealth appointment?

Melissa recommends bringing the following to your telehealth appointment: 

  • Names of the medications and supplements you take
  • Recent lab or diagnostic test results
  • Contact information of any specialists you’ve visited recently
  • Concerns or questions you’d like to discuss

To learn more about telehealth and how it can fit your health needs, call the office of Melissa Prince CANP, Endocrinology, or book a telehealth visit online today.

We do not accept insurance and are a cash-pay practice.