
High Cholesterol

Endocrine Nurse Practitioner located in Scottsdale, AZ

High Cholesterol services offered in Scottsdale, AZ

Having high cholesterol increases your risk of heart disease and stroke compared with someone who has lower cholesterol. Experienced nurse practitioner Melissa Prince, C-ANP, MSN, takes a proactive approach to health and offers high cholesterol management through telehealth visits for residents living in and around Scottsdale, Arizona. If you need help managing high cholesterol, call the office of Melissa Prince CANP, Endocrinology, or book a telehealth visit online today. 

High Cholesterol Q&A

What is high cholesterol? 

Cholesterol is a type of waxy substance the body needs to make cell membranes, vitamins, hormones, and bile (a digestive fluid that helps you break down fat). Your body produces cholesterol to perform a variety of essential functions. 


However, high cholesterol can take a toll on your body. When you have an increase in blood cholesterol levels, the excess cholesterol builds up in your blood vessels and causes them to weaken, narrow, and harden. 


Having high cholesterol also significantly raises your risk of coronary artery disease (CAD), stroke, or a heart attack. 

Who is at risk of high cholesterol?


You may have a higher risk of high cholesterol if you have a family history of the condition. Though, in many cases, lifestyle habits often lead to an increase in cholesterol levels. 


Some risk factors include: 


  • An unhealthy diet (high in saturated or trans fat)
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Obesity 
  • Smoking
  • Having a chronic disease like diabetes 


As you get older, your risk of having high cholesterol increases, which may be caused by diet, medication use, less physical activity, or fluctuating hormone levels.

What is good and bad cholesterol? 


There are two main types of cholesterol: low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL). 


LDL is considered “bad cholesterol” and plays a role in plaque development that causes narrowing in your blood vessels. The other type of cholesterol, HDL, is considered “good cholesterol.” It helps carry cholesterol from your blood to your liver, whose role is to flush it out of your body. 

How can I improve high cholesterol?


When it comes to high cholesterol, Melissa takes a personalized and proactive approach to care, focusing on your overall health and lifestyle changes that can help improve your numbers. She may recommend specific diet modifications and exercises to lower the bad cholesterol and increase your good cholesterol. 


If medications are necessary to treat your condition, she can send a digital prescription to your pharmacy. However, in many cases, high cholesterol is a preventable health problem. With lifestyle changes, it’s possible to live a healthy life.  


To learn more about high cholesterol treatment, call the office of Melissa Prince CANP, Endocrinology, to book a telehealth visit today. Online scheduling is a convenient option.

We do not accept insurance and are a cash-pay practice.